Channel: Mihai Polițeanu
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Chiuariu: Barroso si Basescu, politruci

Tudor Chiuariu* sustine o conferinta de presa in numele Uniunii Social Liberale – 18.07.2012 - Bucuresti:

*Chiuariu Tudor este deputat PNL si fost ministru al Justitiei. A fost trimis in judecata in decembrie 2010 pentru abuz in serviciu contra intereselor publice, cu consecinte deosebit de grave, daca functionarul public a obtinut pentru altul un avantaj patrimonial

(minutele 02.10 - 04.07 ale inregistrarii)

"E trist ca noile generatii de magistrati romani atasati valorilor si instrumentelor europene au devenit batjocura unor politruci ca Barroso si Basescu. Acest raport politic este o jignire pentru magistratii romani care pun in aplicare in fiecare zi mandate europene de arestare emise de colegii lor din statele membre ale Uniunii. Acest raport este o jignire pentru politistii romani care isi risca viata luptand cu crima organizata pe tot cuprinsul Uniunii impreuna cu colegii lor europeni in echipele comune de investigatii. Acest raport este o jignire pentru magistratii romani de legatura aflati in misiune care contribuie la buna functionare a sistemelor judiciare ale celorlalte state membre. 

Atragem atentia ca prin acest raport politic, Mecanismul de Cooperare si Verificare a devenit o arma impotriva poporului roman. Nu-i vedem beneficiul din moment ce nu exista niciun indicator care sa ne spuna ca justitia nu ar fi functionat la fel in absenta lui. Dar este evident in acelasi timp ca este folosit in cele mai obscure, josnice moduri ca manifest electoral cand e nevoie ca aceia care ne-au adus saracie si coruptie sa-si pastreze functiile. E un fel de levier cu care unii incearca sa ne dea peste mana de fiecare data cand la masa Uniunii se iau decizii importante."

Inregistrarea, aici: http://www.b1.ro/stiri/politica/tudor-chiuariu-usl-barroso-i-basescu-ni-te-politruci-raportul-mcv-e-o-jignire-pentru-romani-33374.html 


Tudor Chiuariu held a press conference on behalf of the Social-Liberal Union - 18/07/2012 Bucharest

Tudor Chiuariu is a Liberal MP and former minister of Justice. He was sent to trial by the anticorruption prosecutors for corruption related offenses in December 2010 (abuse of public function against the public interest which generated very serious consequences, if the public official has generated a pecuniary advantage for a third party)

Tudor Chiuariu (minutes 02.10 - 04.07 of the recording here http://www.b1.ro/stiri/politica/tudor-chiuariu-usl-barroso-i-basescu-ni-te-politruci-raportul-mcv-e-o-jignire-pentru-romani-33374.html):

"It is sad that the new generations of Romanian magistrates who have adopted European values and procedures have become the laughing stock of politruks (n.r. Soviets commissioners) like Barroso and Basescu. This political report is an offense to the Romanian magistrates who are every day executing the arrest warrants issued by their colleagues in EU Member States. This report is an offense to the Romanian policemen who, together with their European colleagues, participate in joint investigative teams and risk their lives fighting organized crime throughout the whole EU. This report is an offense to Romanian liaison magistrates whose work contributes to the well functioning of the other Member States' judicial systems.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that through this politicized report, the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism has become a weapon against the Romanian people. We do not see its added value since there is no indicator which could show us that the judiciary would not have functioned well in its absence. It is obvious that the report is used in the most obscure, vile ways as an electoral manifest, so that those who brought us poverty and corruption can keep their seats. It is a sort of lever with whom some are constantly trying to slap our hands whenever the Union is making important decisions

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